
18 Historical Events That Still Need Explications

#15 That One Time It Rained Meat in Kentucky

Back in 1876, the most random thing happened in Kentucky and it is now known as the “Kentucky meat shower”. While lovely Mrs. Crouch was making soap on her porch, she noticed that something weird falling from the sky and she was sure it was meat.

What was first believed to be a sign from God quickly became of interest to many scientists. Those, who dared to taste the meat, claimed it was probably lamb or deer but scientists initially believed it was probably a lung tissue of a horse or a human infant, because, apparently, those are almost identical. After further investigation, it was believed that the meat was probably vomited up by buzzards, “who, as is their custom, seeing one of their companions disgorge himself, immediately follow suit”. This theory was believed to be the best explanation.

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