
18 Historical Events That Still Need Explications

#13 In 1955, a Boat’s Entire Crew of 25 Completely Disappeared Even Though the Boat Itself Didn’t Actually Sink

Joyita was a merchant vessel that mysteriously disappeared in the South Pacific back in 1955. Though we can all understand that ships sink, and tragedies happen, this was not the case with this mystery. What caught everyone’s attention was the fact that the vessel was built in such a way that there was practically no possibility of it actually sinking. In fact, once the vessel was found, there was still a great part of it that was out of the water, but there was not a single person on it.

The vessel originally carried 25 people but during the search, no one was found. This story left many puzzled as to why the crew did not simply stay on the ship and how none of their bodies were found?

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