It’s easy to forget that our grandparents didn’t just come out of the womb as seventy-somethings with hard candies in their purses and long-winded stories. No, back in their heydays, grams and gramps had a whole lot of swagger. They rode motorcycles, bent the rules, and frolicked on the beach—all while wearing the coolest shades.
Really, if you ever stopped to take a look at some of your grandparents’ old photos, you’d likely find that your folks’ folks were pretty darn cool.

This vinyl-obsessed teen
The perfect ponytail. The ear-to-ear grin. The single loafer on the floor. We’re sure this grandma was the coolest girl in school in the 1950s.
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1 thought on “16 Vintage Photos of Grandparents Who Are Cooler Than We’ll Ever Be”
beautiful silver shorts wonder what she look like today