
10 Ridiculous Things People Used to Believe 50 Years Ago

It’s always entertaining and fun to revisit the past and wonder how people back in those days ever managed to cross the street without hurting themselves in the process. It’s also fun to pretend we are smarter today, have learned our lessons and will not make the same mistakes as our predecessors before us. Nor that in fifty years’ time our descendants will not laugh hysterically at some of the things our ignorant selves used to do or believe in.

But let’s not divagate from the topic at hand. The 1960s. A time full of bizarre ideas and uninformed people when misogyny reigned supreme, DUI was a rite of passage and sugar was harmless. All we can do is be glad we’ve moved past those times when people believed that…

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14 thoughts on “10 Ridiculous Things People Used to Believe 50 Years Ago”

  1. When I was 19 I worked for a dry cleaners near Logan Airport, Boston MA. and had a special 1 hr. service that Stewardesses could use on their turn around flights and have a clean uniform. Because of this service we got more and more Stewardesses as customers. We enhanced our service by my taking many of them to the airport to catch their flights. I met many (some 80) lovely, beautiful and terrific personality young women and yes fell in love with one very special and good girl, who older than me by a couple of years fell for me too; but sadly a romance that failed. A lot of these gals were serving a lot more than peanuts and beer and there were many crazy and wild parties, some of which were broken up by the police. It was a special era and I am glad to have been a part of it. I will never forget Carol.

  2. It was ok to take your gun to school –
    “Talk about mass shooting waiting to happen!” – No, let’s talk about mass shootings that NEVER happened. Mass shootings at schools didn’t happen until AFTER schools became so-called “gun free zones”, aka – soft targets.

  3. Now a days –You will be damn near hung from a tree for dui —3 offenses and you do not pass go –you go to jail — I liked it back in the late 60’s and 70’s —you could drive after having 4 beers -almost anywhere at anytime and not be arrested and hung for having drank 4-beers but not being drunk ….. 2 beers will get you busted now and I dont know anybody who gets drunk on 2 beers …………………..

  4. I was one of those kids, who hunted after school and kept my shotgun in the trunk of my car ca.1960. I later learned that my son’s entire football team did likewise ca. 1980. no-one ever got shot by these people until my group got their all expenses paid tour of SE Asia.

  5. Lyle Summerfield

    I’m almost 64, and that’s how it was. You just didn’t get so drunk that you would die from booze poisoning like the punks now days. Used to drive and drink all the time’ but now every one has to have a car. Too many people on the road now, so, that’s not a good idea any more, plus, more people are dumb as a box of rocks. If you want to drink, stay home, or have a person who won’t be getting gassed-up like the rest of you.!!!

  6. Quit crying, we were more responsable back then than most nerds of today. How are going to be ready to defend our country, if you can’t fire a weapon to defend the USA.? Next, you will want our steak knives. Read your Bible, we are living in a fallen world, and things are not getting better. Take off those rose colored glasses and see the real world. I’ve been overseas, and I have seen how they live in the Asian countries. They would love to be in this nation because the freedoms and life that we have. So…relax… they used to burn witches at the stake in the early years of this country, read some history books and see for your self.!!! Have Fun.!

  7. Seatbelt saved my life, being hit by a semi, broad side, my side, drivers side, while driving a stake rack truck with a 12 foot bed back in 1984.

  8. Ronald Morrison

    Used to do that all the time in the winter. We would go hunting after school and leave our rifles or shotguns in the gun rack in the back window of our pick up or in our lockers. We had common sense in those days. Every boy had a pocket knife. It was just something we carried all the time.

  9. Your ideas are not from someone who lived during that time, I did. The ONLY thing correct about your 10 Things is the People Believed Everyone Would Live the Good Life. The rest is BUNK!!!

  10. The voice thing happens to be true for both men and women; one should always speak with a smile and try to sound as pleasant as possible. Or you can be a rude, crude, and socially unacceptable bore like a large portion of the population today.